It’s no secret I’m a huge PostSecret fan. One of the postcards listed in today’s edition broke my heart:
From hearing from my own adopted soldiers, and friends and family who’ve served or are still serving, I can only imagine how that soldier feels. It’s got to be one of the worst things in the world — feeling forgotten, unloved.
I hope whoever that card was meant to reach got the message. But how many others are out there feeling the same way?
At the Magnolia Festival yesterday, something struck me as I explained to those who came by the booth about Soldiers’ Angels and what we do — there are so many here who want to help, but have no idea where to go or how to get started. I had a large stack of cards with the Soldiers’ Angels web address and our mission statement on them, and gave out every single one.
A few stopped to look at the binder of pictures and testimonials I had. One that the binder contained was this:
“Mail is more important than even hot showers or hot food. When I was in Fallujah, the mail center received about eight shipping containers every two days; three were filled with letters. People at home probably have no idea how much their little cards, letter and goodie bags boost morale. Countless walls around Iraq are wallpapered with cards and letters. Soldiers and marines especially love the cards from kids. There is nothing better over here than reading two-dozen cards from kids who can barely hold a crayon. If a kid sends a card, rest assured that card will be stuck in a wall somewhere, and it will bring a smile to many a soldiers and marine.”
– author Michael Yon, Moment of Truth in Iraq
It’s such a simple thing and yet it means the world to someone a thousand miles away. If you are interested, please visit and help us support those who are deployed throughout the world defending and protecting the freedoms we cherish.
(x-posted to Bama Angels)
Soldiers’ Angels of Alabama » How many go unloved?
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Hon, this earns my Hug of the Month. *Hugs*